Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tinkering with the kids' xylophone

An aspiring writer is supposed to write, no? Gutless wonder that I am, I have kept my short stories either in my head or in a folder, not sent them for any sort of publishing. So, I shall have to stick by that adage: "don't get it right, get it written". I'd love to see my work out there, being read by all and sundry (if I knew what a sundry was...I always imagine groceries like tissues and bin liners). The trouble with writing is having to read. I feel like a kid with a toy xylophone, sitting at the feet of a concert pianist when I read a good (published!!) book. I know the secret to writing is quite simply hard work, but I still ask- how do they do it?

My CD has taken a few days out of me this last week, some horrible news and also finally verbalising the root causes of my breakdown after 9 years to a dear friend has been really giving the CD symptoms a work out. I will try to keep speaking out, writing and verbally, not just for my own recovery as a victim (hate that word!!) of abuse but for others as well.
Writing is going to be my out burst. Writing is going to be my vessel. Writing is going to be my shaking fist, my screaming, my sobbing and my curing broken heart. I have kept it all inside for my whole life, now I could laugh out loud at how manic and happy I feel to have found my way to the light- writing.
What a blessing.
Take care.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Here we are then...

Well, I never thought I was the kind to blog my brain-waves into cyberspace, but here I am and here I shall try to commit to stay.
This is certainly going to be tricky, seeing as my keyboard is broken and I have no letter "p", only what I cut and paste...see....p p p.
If you don't mind I'll be using this blog as a means to vent and self-therapise. Since I was diagnosed with Conversion Disorder a month or so ago I have found very little information or help out there and will therefore use a blog to de-stress. CD is a stress-induced disorder which has frightening symptoms that closely mimic MS (multiple sclerosis).
Anyway, that'll do for now, this is very "undercover", I don't want it to be a free-for-all, hey everyone I know read all about me, I would simply like to blurt out my heartaches and heartleaps to you, dear anonymous reader, if you will have me.
Take care.