Saturday, May 29, 2010

Here we are then...

Well, I never thought I was the kind to blog my brain-waves into cyberspace, but here I am and here I shall try to commit to stay.
This is certainly going to be tricky, seeing as my keyboard is broken and I have no letter "p", only what I cut and paste...see....p p p.
If you don't mind I'll be using this blog as a means to vent and self-therapise. Since I was diagnosed with Conversion Disorder a month or so ago I have found very little information or help out there and will therefore use a blog to de-stress. CD is a stress-induced disorder which has frightening symptoms that closely mimic MS (multiple sclerosis).
Anyway, that'll do for now, this is very "undercover", I don't want it to be a free-for-all, hey everyone I know read all about me, I would simply like to blurt out my heartaches and heartleaps to you, dear anonymous reader, if you will have me.
Take care.

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