Tuesday, June 1, 2010

All the best ideas come in the shower...

Today I challenged dear friend (let's call her DF to keep it simple) to both of us posting a blog at least once a week. We both have small kids, so we'll see how it goes, but I think the two of us can really benefit from the writing practise and mutual encouragement. DF has been very supportive and is the only person who I trust to bare my soul to when the CD is really grabbing at me, I can only pray that she, too, is feeling supported and upheld.
Ok, writers, what was wrong with that sentence? Fragmented? Too long? Just plain boring?
Fair enough.
How about I tell you about the latest book idea (which came to me in the shower as usual- that's why there's a water shortage; everyone is stunned into stillness by the brilliance that is coming to them instead of rinsing and repeating if necessary).
Ok, so I reckon there's a therapist who is blind, working by hypnosis to cure a woman's fear of flying and paranoia about being stalked. Thing is, she's NOT crazy, the therapist IS and he is keeping her his prisoner-of-the-mind by hypnosis. He is blind coz the woman's father was the pilot in a plane crash where he (therapist) was only survivor as a teenager. She is having flashbacks, not hallucinations, therapist is getting revenge for the loss of his eyes and family thru the pilot's offspring. I think I'll end it with him pushing her out of a plane...yeah...or maybe I'll be nice and introduce a love interest who saves her. Either way, I am LOVING getting a story out, from the first grain idea that irritates my oyster brain to the pearl that will be my story!
Gosh, I hope I'm not just re-hashing a story I've already read. I don't think so, but I do have to be very careful to avoid cliches. I've read hundreds of books, I have to try not to mix them together into what I think is a me original!
Anyway, dear reader, I am grateful for some time to blurb, and til next time...
Take care.

1 comment:

  1. hey lovely,
    Yay I found it, actually I clicked on the link that you sent me.
    Great writing, you make me smile :^)
